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Internet Talk Radio - A New Dimension of the World

Since the invention of radio, it is playing a great role in everyone's life due to its valuable role in the mass media. History reveals that Indian scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose started his research work on the detection of the millimeter wave radiation and later he demonstrated his apparatus for detecting radio frequency. In the past radio used to be a large thing with vacuum tube technology, but with the passage of ages it was transformed into a much sophisticated and smaller device with a solid state transistor technology. Recently carbon nanotubes have been used as components in high frequency.

The American scientists first developed in the world, such a radio device which is based on nano sized radio-wave receivers and detectors fabricated from a single carbon nanotube. In such a radio antenna and tuner can operate in a different way compared to the traditional radio, which receives the signals via high frequency mechanical vibrations of the nanotube rather than electrically. These vibrations only become significant only when the frequency of the incoming wave matches the resonance frequency of the nanotube. This resonance can be tuned to receive a band of electromagnetic spectrum. The audio quality of the signal is demodulated by the carbon nanotube. The audio quality of the signal is demodulated by the carbon nanotube. The nanotube radio can be inserted inside the human living cell for a sub cellular remote controlled interface. The nanotube radio can be inserted inside the human living cell for a sub cellular remote controlled interface. A single carbon nanotube served all the purposes of a radio. It played the role of all the four essential components such as amplifier, antenna, demodulator and tuner.

With the growth of civilizations, new inventions and discovery are made which rapidly influence the lives of common people. Wireless technology develops in a faster pace with the passage of years. The bubble which bursts and left the world spellbound with its impact is the internet. The growing inter services change many things, it even change the age old radio system. To make a radio a radical media for communication, it should be used with some empowering knowledge.



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